My little string bean has grown a bit taller - he doesn't fit into his smallest babygrow any more. Feeding is going a lot better, I don't have to try and coax him into eating nearly as much as I did before. He even wakes up hungry.
He's so alert now when he is awake. Looking around, trying to focus on things around him. He knows our voices though and tries to look for us when he hears us talking. i am sure his neck muscles are developing rapidly becaues he's been lifting his head quite often, and moving it from side to side.
His grip is getting stronger, so much so that he grabbed onto my hair the other night...
He doesn't like to have his arms wrapped up, or to be wrapped up too tightly. If he is, he tries to squirm out of his blankets, or moans until we release his arms and then he's content. His hands are so busy, he moves them almost all the time while he's awake. Waving them around, fanning out his fingers, touching his face, holding them both up beside his face during feedings. Sometimes he kicks his legs, but his hands are by far the busiest. He also doesn't really like a dummy. Everyone at hospital was telling me to give him a dummy but he mostly spits it out. He's only taken it twice so far since being home.
He seems to like being bathed, must be the warm water - we leave bath time for when his daddy's home so they can have some extra bonding time. Hubby hangs a towel over the oil heater and by the time bath time is done the towel is nice and warm - sure he enjoys this, the expressions on his little face are priceless.
I think he struggles to control his facial expressions, some of the faces are hilarious and I have a good giggle at them. He also sticks out his tongue every now and then, and smacks his lips after a feeding - it's just so precious to see.
All of these are small victories considering his early arrival and I'm one very proud mommy.
I love the way he smells. Not when he has a diaper or anything, I mean his baby smell. It's my favourite smell in the whole world - and so it should be, right?
He gets hiccups, sneezes, breathes in strange patterns, and is on the whole quite a noisy baby - even when he's asleep. The first few times we ran upstairs for every little grunt and groan until we realized it is totally normal and he's just a very noisy baby.
He sleeps in his cot, in his own room - and I sleep in there in the double bed. I miss sleeping next to my hubby in my own bed, but for now I'll stay there until he's a bit older. Hubby does come for a cuddle every now and then.
Something I've only just noticed is his little finger on his right hand won't straighten, it's completely bent - almost as if the ligaments are too short or there isn't enough skin to allow him to extend his finger. We'll discuss it with the paed at our next checkup.
I'm feeling over tired today. Mil popped over yesterday to babysit so I could get some shut eye, although she wasn't here for long I managed to get 3 hours sleep. Hubby also offered to do a few feedings last night so I got a few more hours rest. I don't know if I'm still tired, or if I've slept too much but today I was totally exhausted. My cut is healing really nicely, and I'm not that sore any more. I just get some pain in my pelvic bone, but nothing I can't handle - I wonder if its from lying around all day. My wardrobe these days consists of fresh pajamas.
I'm still expressing, trying to increase my milk supply but it's easier said than done. I need to triple it to be able to feed him exclusively on breast milk.
I have been feeling a bit of cabin fever every now and then, when I've had some sleep I guess. On Saturday night I went out for coffee and cake with a friend, and just the change of scenery was good for me. Hubby and his friend babysat while they were gaming. I sent an sms to make sure my baby was ok and the reply I got was "stop stressing, he's sleeping."
I think that's it for today.
Here are a few recent pictures of my boy:

Love reading your blog! I love the pic of A's hands fanned out while he's sleeping. You're doing such a good job and you will get used the sleep thing (or lack thereof :))
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the expressing and I've also received an sms like that from DH before.