Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Once upon a Time: IF IT'S IMPORTANT, YOU'LL FIND A WAY: "Some people dream of success, others make it happen. Of course, you can dream as much as you like but waiting for things to happen gets you..."

I did, already.

We went for that photo shoot on Sunday, the wedding dress shoot.  It was fun, but those dress sizes are teeny tiny.  I got to model two lovely dresses, not really my style, but they were still lovely nonetheless.  I've asked for copies of the pro photos, so will wait for those to come in, hopefully sooner rather then later before I've forgotten all about it.  So glad I've said my I do's already, I really couldn't imagine myself planning a wedding all over again.  Here are some 'behind the scenes' pics:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A photo a day, for 30 days.

I'm going to try take a photo a day for 30 days.  Yes, with my little point & shoot camera, wish me luck!

Day one - anything I want. 
I took a picture of an old scale that I bought in December - would love to turn it into a clock one day.  For now it lives in the kitchen.

Day two - something that makes me smile.  
Bought these flowers for someone today, I smiled when I saw them at the flower shop and hoped they might do the same for her.  Flowers always make me smile.

Day 3 - Something I collect.  
I almost got stuck here, I can't really think of anything I collect - except for shoes, and maybe photo frames.  I have to take a picture of shoes at a later stage, so it's photo frames unless I can find something else at home that I "collect".  I actually "collect" cushions too, but the photos weren't very nice.

Day 4   - Something that stresses me out.  
Our front garden really stresses me out.  Nothing really wants to grow there, so I've been nursing my 'wonder lawn' for the past two years, waiting for it to spread nicely.  One day DH asked our Housekeeper to pull out all the weeds in the front, and didn't show her which ones were weeds, so she pulled out everything... I came home to a sandpit.  They're finally starting to grow again, as you can imagine it's a touchy subject in our house.

Day 5   - A cup I drank from today.  
I didn't really enjoy taking this one, but here it is nonetheless.  Seems arb to take a picture of a cup.

Day 6   - Someone who inspires me
I was boring here...  forgot my camera at home when I needed to take this one, so here's one of my hubby.  Most days he's inspiration enough.

Day 7   - A picture of my house
Not the best pic.  Need to redo this maybe.

Day 8   - What i had for lunch today

Day 9   - Shoes
Still have to do this one.

Day 10 - A product I use in my hair
Ran out of battery life.  I need to get better at remembering these things.  Pic to follow.

Day 11 - My pet
I just love her!

Day 12 - A sneak picture I took at work
Just a quick one...

Day 13 - Nature.
Found this old log lying near the river at home, thought it would do.  Here's a snapshot of it.

Day 14 - Somewhere I went today.
Day 15 - A device I own but never use or touch.
Day 16 - Something that makes me sad.
Day 17 - Something that I have too much of and is taking up unnecessary space.
Day 18 - Something I'm currently borrowing from someone.
Day 19 - Something I don't have much of.
Day 20 - A stuffed animal or toy that I own.
Day 21 - Something from my bathroom.
Day 22 - Something Sweet.
Day 23 - A book I've been reading.
Day 24 - Something I shouldn't have bought, but did anyway.
Day 25 - A souvenier from a holiday.
Day 26 - Something that means a lot to me.
Day 27 - My handwriting.
Day 28 - Something purple.
Day 29 - Something in my fridge.
Day 30 - Me.


I never wrote about this, but have been meaning to.  Some days we have "crafternoons" at work, where someone basically hosts a workshop and teaches the rest how to do something, be it painting in water colour, drawing, etc.  We had another crafternoon today, so I decided this post was now long overdue.

I joined the water colour crafternoon a few weeks back, and ended up having so much fun!  I'm just not 100% happy using water colour - I think it's because it feels so uncontrolled (yes, I suppose at times I can be a control freak).  Maybe I need to try it more often.  Still had fun painting though.  

Here's what we did at the first water colour workshop - learning about the basics, and washes, controlling the brush, and then we had to paint a leaf.  Here's a sneak peak:

The next one I missed, but at the third one we had to copy something out of a book.  I picked up a book of Eileen Gray's work and just picked this picture.  We also introduced charcoal.  I think this is horrible, but I'll share it anyway:

Today's workshop was about the basics of illustration or drawing.  We each had to draw a stick man, and from there we spent more attention on the detail - we then had to draw a face, and then eyes.  Here's a sneak peak from today, we just used pencil:

So, when last did you just draw something, or paint something?  Note to self - I really should do this more often.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Written in black and white...

I went for a pregnancy blood test on Monday, just to be sure that nothing was up.  I knew it would be negative, but seeing it written in black and white gets me every time - why is that?  It's not the right time now at all, but is it ever?  

Anyway needless to say my cycle arrived.  It was more than a week late this time.  My doctor phoned yesterday to see if everything is okay, meaning the lab must have sent my results to him.  I explained that I'll be visiting him once we're back from our holiday, and he wished us a "blessed" holiday, and said that he really hopes that we come back with some good news.  

On the up side, I got a little toy to play around with.  My hubby bought me a little point and shoot camera, meaning I'll be able to take some better photos while we're on holiday.  This cellphone photographer is moving on up!  So happy!

Been playing around with it already, and I just want to snap EVERYTHING.  I was going to put pictures and happier stuff on another blog (been thinking of writing a happier one) but decided to keep everything on one.  It's my life all together, right?  Thanks Karin :)

I'm trying to do a 30 day "photo a day" thing, wish me luck.  I'll maybe post some or all, if they look ok that is - will see as I go along.

Here's a picture of my dog - she's so used to me taking photos of her, she just sits there.  I just love her to bits, she's so precious.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I haven't really had time for much over the last few weeks, other than work. It's madness at the office, but it's a differenet kind of stress, the stress of making things happen, which I can deal with...  and there is so much going on. 
This morning I realized I haven't really written anything in a while.  Here's an update, can't promise it will be quick:

It's 4 weeks to go till our Thailand holiday, we can't wait.  I've been so busy at work I haven't really had the time to feel excited, but this weekend it started!  I got a new passport in my married name (silly me for booking tickets and forgetting about my existing passport being in my maiden name), with a nice photo mind you.  It took about 2 weeks and it was ready, I was so impressed.  Still have to print out all our confirmation letters and my planned itinerary of things I'd love us to do (which I'll post some time), get DH's name changed on his ticket, they made a mistake when booking it, think of what to pack, and make sure all the loose ends at work have been tied up.

I bought my dress for the September wedding last month, it's gorgeous.  I loved it so much I wanted to buy one in purple too.  I haven't bought another one yet becuase I'm trying to save for our holiday.  Maybe I'll find something similar there... It's called "the dress" - it's one dress that you can wear 11 different ways, so very clever and in my opinion a good thing to have.  I will post a photo of this too, if I remember.

Lately I've been seriously thinking about doing a course in Graphic Design (it's always been my dream, the only one I can remember) - I'm so inspired at work, I would love to have some little part of the magic.  Need to save a bit, and start looking for places offering part time courses.  I'll have the money when our offices move to Jhb, meaning when petrol costs me less.  Our offices are very likely moving to Jhb soon - we have potentially found a location in Parktown North, much closer to home. More news on that later.  I'd also love to do photography.  DH told me I can maybe use SIL's camera, but man alive, I need to have my own one!

Besides enjoying work (who would have thought), I started doing pilates on 28 February.  It's going well.  I really enjoy it, so much so that I go twice a week.  

As I sit here now, I'm on CD35, no sign of AF.  I started charting my temperature this cycle, but I did a half job, starting half way through on CD15 so I can't really take anything from it. 
I've done some HPTs, all negative might I add.  One on 16, one on 18, one yesterday.  Of course, I have run through all the "symptoms" I've had. 

Frequent trips to the loo, gagging at the thought of tiger prawns in Thailand (I compared them to grey garden snails for some reason, VOMIT!), very moody, been tired (a few days exhausted, but mostly just tired), my boobs feel a bit perkier (yay!), feeling hot during the night, sweating in my summer pajamas (gross!), strong sense of smell (but given, this was a waste truck the other day, I looked at the liquid dripping out from the back and wanted to gag right there), I've had GAS (lots of it), feeling hungry for rubbish (well this is how I normally feel), I had stabbing pains and cramps in my lower abdomen on Thursday afternoon at work (though AF was coming), feels like everything I eat falls right through me like a sieve, been dizzy, like seeing stars.  Yesterday I had some light cramping, and AF still hasn't shown up.  My last cycle started on 14 February, and today is 20 March.  Something's up what ever it is, and do I even need to say I'm worried?  No, not worried, scared!   I wonder if exercising has delayed it?  I don't see how I could be because it's kind of been a dry month.  

Don't you think googling is the worst thing you can do sometimes?  See for yourself.  Possible reasons why af is missing in action could be: Early Ovulatory Failure - ie. your ovaries have stopped working - freaaak!, Not getting enough to eat (can't be!), Anovulation (hmmm) - I just closed my browser.  Better I think.

Oh, I almost forgot!  I'm going to be a model!  LOL.
A friend's mom has her own modelling agency, and she needs some real brides to pose in wedding dresses.  I jokingly said sure, if you want love handles, count me in.  I'm in.  Haha.  It's going to be on the 27 March, in Pretoria somewhere.  Hope I get to see the pictures!  Wish me luck.  Those dresses better be beautiful, I'm not wearing taffeta and other rubbish.  And I don't like tiaras.

That's all for now, folks.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another angel grew wings...

So much sadness this year, so many people hurting, so many people have lost those they love.  Some have lost their angels long before they ever really got to know them.

It's true that for some things in life there are no words, I've said it before and again it rings true. 
Another angel grew wings... another angel who left our earth.   I feel so sad each time I hear of someone who has lost their pregnancy.  There are no words anyone can say to bring comfort, nothing anyone can do to make it better.  I'm thinking of her, and pray that she finds the comfort and strength she needs.

The difficult thing, I remember, was that I had to work through things I couldn't bear hearing, the terrible emotions, the anger, the depression, the feeling of being a failure and the feeling of helplessness.  The helplessness was the worst.  You pray so hard, cry so much, beg and plead, just about sell your soul to the devil and nothing can save your baby.  For a long time I could only really relate to others who had lost and knew what I was going through, and later when my head was clear, I was a little bit like the old me.  There are still some bad days, but most days are bearable, most days are good.  That said, I couldn't be where I am today without the support from my friends and family - they really saw me through. 

I just wish these sadnesses could somehow be prevented.


Monday, March 14, 2011


I can't believe the news, so sad to see the footage of the tsunami's destruction in Japan.  I can't imagine what those people must be going through, what they must have been thinking, how freaked out they were. 

We were so worried about my sister in law, as she's a Jet student teaching English in Japan.  The department of home affairs phoned my mom in law to tell her they had a call from the Japanese government, they know where she is and she's fine. 

Relief.  Still, I can't help but think about it.  Later when we actually heard back from her, she said she's perfectly ok and it's business as usual in Fukui.  Her only real concern is the nuclear reactors.  She gave us a link to read the news, you can check it out here if you'd like - it's an English version of the Japanese news.

What's scary is seeing the before and after satellite photos.  Some places are just a smudge now, where things used to be, where people used to live. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sing anyway.

Some days there won't be a song in your heart.  Sing anyway.  ~Emory Austin