Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Scan, 27 Weeks 5 Days

Back to the doc for our check up this morning... for some reason traffic has been really bad the last few visits.  Anyway we made it there in time.

We had to go in the back door because the Dr took his Receptionist's keys the night before and he hadn't come in yet.  She let us in, and as we sat down (after her locking up behind us), it was time to go to the loo.  Such an inopportune time.  I collected my sample cup (routine by now), she let me out the back door, made my way to the bathroom and went to do my thing.

After getting back I had been sitting for about 5 mins when the Dr arrived and we went straight through.  He asked the usual questions... and then we got down to business.

Dr asked if I had experienced any swelling and I said I hadn't really noticed anything.  When I took my shoes off he looked down and with a worried face asked if I'm sure because my feet look a bit swollen. I said no, they look totally normal to me - my feet are just fat.  He said my belly has grown nicely, and I said it has, people have been commenting - and he said other people are always good crits, you can usually judge things by their comments.  He then felt my belly and said it has grown quite a bit since we last saw him, which is really good.

The scans never cease to amaze me.  Our first glimpse showed the baby's head near my left ribs, with both feet in front of his face.   Dr said he was in a breech position.  What a strange sight - seeing this little face, and then two feet just in front of it.  He then took a few measurements, and looked at a few things, showed us where the umbilical chord was (I had really been worrying about this), and there was nothing to worry about.  We also got to see baby's tummy, bladder, head, feet, chord (love those precious little feet - can't wait to kiss them), and a slight view of his face (as good as the monitor can show I imagine).

He checked the amniotic fluid.  Still low but slightly better - he said the baby has some fluid so he should be able to turn.  He needs to start turning from now onwards.  He also said some people don't feel anything when the baby turns, and others do.  

A little while later baby seemed to change positions - because when we looked again there were two feet on one side and his head on the other side.  Chord safely between the feet.  

My little string bean weighs 1,227 kgs today, at 27 weeks 5 days.

My weight is ok, I have lost 200 grams since the last appointment - which I can't understand, I've been eating a lot more and drinking plenty of fluids.

All in all the Dr was happy.  We see him again in 2 weeks' time.

Here's a pic of the scan - we only managed to get foot pictures today, aren't they precious?

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