Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another angel grew wings...

So much sadness this year, so many people hurting, so many people have lost those they love.  Some have lost their angels long before they ever really got to know them.

It's true that for some things in life there are no words, I've said it before and again it rings true. 
Another angel grew wings... another angel who left our earth.   I feel so sad each time I hear of someone who has lost their pregnancy.  There are no words anyone can say to bring comfort, nothing anyone can do to make it better.  I'm thinking of her, and pray that she finds the comfort and strength she needs.

The difficult thing, I remember, was that I had to work through things I couldn't bear hearing, the terrible emotions, the anger, the depression, the feeling of being a failure and the feeling of helplessness.  The helplessness was the worst.  You pray so hard, cry so much, beg and plead, just about sell your soul to the devil and nothing can save your baby.  For a long time I could only really relate to others who had lost and knew what I was going through, and later when my head was clear, I was a little bit like the old me.  There are still some bad days, but most days are bearable, most days are good.  That said, I couldn't be where I am today without the support from my friends and family - they really saw me through. 

I just wish these sadnesses could somehow be prevented.


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