Sunday, February 28, 2010

Healing Words

I've been healing slowly, physically.  I wonder when my heart will start to hurt less.

How very softly
you tiptoed into my world.
Almost silently; 
Only a moment you stayed.
But what an imprint
you have left on my heart.
*Author Unknown*
"There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world"
"Loved with a love beyond telling,
missed with a grief beyond all tears."

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Luke 12:13

Let the children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the
kingdom of heaven belongs. Matthew 19:14

Some would say that you didn't exist
That you were not really born on earth
And that you do not count
Since you never experienced birth.

But you lived in God's heart
And in my heart ever more
Whether or not your tiny frame
Ever entered this earthly shore.

I have no pictures to place here
For our little family to view
But I place instead this little verse
To show that we remember you.
*Thena Smith*

God Bless the Mother 
Who has lost a child-
Heal her hurting, aching heart
And just hold her for a while
God give the Mother peace
Whose child you've called away-
And give her the joy in knowing
That they will reunite some day.
*Thena Smith*
Some people 
Come into our lives
And quickly go.
Some people move
Our souls to dance.
They awaken us to 
New understanding
With the passing whisper
Of their wisdom.
Some people make 
the sky more beautiful
To gaze upon.
They stay in our lives
For a while
Leave footprints on
Our hearts...

... And we are never, 
Ever the same


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