We went for our monthly checkup yesterday. I'm 17 weeks along! Everything with baby is just perfect, I'm so in love with this little thing. The doctor is happy with all his measurements, I think besides the scan where we got to hear the heart beat for the first time, this has been the most awesome one to date. We got to see the little fingers and toes, stomach, umbilical chord, head, thigh bones, spine, and long legs and arms! It looks like he takes after his daddy! Our baby weighs 200 grams now and everything is on track.
Just as the doctor started with the scan I shouted out "It's a boy, I knew it, it's a boy!" and he smiled and said yes. To be honest, my eyes teared up. I still can't believe this dream has finally come true for us. We are so blessed. At the previous appointment he asked if I had a feeling about what the baby is and I said yes, I think it's a boy but let's see. Then he started the scan and said "your son...." and "oh sorry, I'm just saying that because you said it" and we all laughed.
The only real worry the doc has at the moment is my weight loss - he's not happy about this. I've lost about 4kgs, so he's instructed us to get me some supplements. I need to try to pick up, if not maintain my current weigh by the time we get to our next appointment.
Apart from the work stress, I have been eating, but healthy food. My appetite isn't huge, but I make a point of snacking and eating regularly, so let's see what happens.
I also had to pee in a jar and had some blood drawn to do a few tests, so the doc will call in a few days with the results for downs, hiv and other (can't remember what they are). The pee test was all fine, no funnies there.
Our next 2 appointments are on 30th March and 26th April.
Then there's the 4D scan booked for 7th April!
The scan pics didn't come out too clearly, I had a chocolate after breakfast so baby was moving around like crazy. Quite freaky to see - twice the doc asked if I could feel it, and I said nope. I think I felt something once or twice before, but for now I'm not sure - something else to look forward to!
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