Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chatting and Blowing Bubbles!

Over the last week Ashton has started "chatting" to us, he gurgles, blows bubbles, and makes little cooing noises.  I was wondering when he would start doing this.  He's also started tracking things, like if I get up and walk away he will follow me with his eyes until he can't see me any more.  Then sometimes (okay a lot of the time) he will 'shout' or 'call' for us.  He does this when he is alone in his cot and wants company, when he's had enough of something, sometimes when he's hungry and generally anything else.  It's so incredible to see these changes happening, and the most amazing thing about it is that these are things that can't be taught - they just happen naturally.  This weekend he made a new sound "ba" and we obviously smiled huge smiles and thought he is the most brilliant baby ever (as all parents do).  Today he made a "ga" sound. 

On Friday I put him in his play gym for a while, with a magazing under his feet.  He went crazy kicking up the pages and even lifted both his legs up and tried to kick the dinosaurs which were hanging from the top bar.  He's been pushing with his legs, eager to get moving I guess but in actual fact he doesn't really go anywhere.  The latest thing is he tries to immitate sounds, it's so sweet to see him trying. 

So many new things happening, seems to be all the time!

So at nearly 3 months Ashton has started doing all these things.  I need to keep records of when he hits milestones for his paed and the nurses at the baby clinic.  This adjusted age thing confuses me sometimes, but all in all we are sure he's doing really well in terms of development.  Proud parents over here!!

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