My step sis has been doing some research for me this week (cause yes, I'm too CHICKEN to make that call myself). She contacted a Fertility Coordinator to ask for advice for me, who got right back to her. She asked me to please contact her when I was ready, so I sent an email to the Fertility Coordinator this morning, and she just phoned me.
In a nut shell, there are two positives:
1) I am still YOUNG as she put it
2) Even though my pregnancy was a total DISASTER, we know that sperm met egg once before
She spoke about the consultation and the cost for that and said we would go from there. This specific consult could be claimed from medical aid because it could be seen as a "follow up" to my ruptured ectopic. The first consult includes an ultrasound, and discussion.
She said I am right to be worried about my remaining tube, and said that they would need to do a special X-ray in order to see if it is functioning. This X-ray apparently looks at the normality of the uterus cavity, and tests the remaining tube. In normal circumstances they would tell us to wait for a year (because we're YOUNG remember) and then see them if we are not successful. So lucky me, I am now high risk or a "special case". She also said she would have seen me and referred me to a doctor immediately if I had called them after my ordeal.
She said I am right to be worried about my remaining tube, and said that they would need to do a special X-ray in order to see if it is functioning. This X-ray apparently looks at the normality of the uterus cavity, and tests the remaining tube. In normal circumstances they would tell us to wait for a year (because we're YOUNG remember) and then see them if we are not successful. So lucky me, I am now high risk or a "special case". She also said she would have seen me and referred me to a doctor immediately if I had called them after my ordeal.
So I need to cancel my appointment for tomorrow morning, and ask him exactly what was wrong with my other tube / what work he did on me, and then phone her back to schedule an appointment with the Fertility Doctor. DH seems to remember him saying that my left tube was folded over/stuck to my ovary and that he "fixed" it and made sure it was clear.
I'm such a chicken, I feel so much better after speaking to Anne.